Keeping Employees Productive
About Me
Keeping Employees Productive

Last year, I realized that a few of our employees did not have the best intentions when they came to work. It seemed like their goal was to slack off and avoid work, and it was really frustrating. I realized that I had to do something in order to make things right, so I started working with them to train them. I also installed a camera system and explained the consequences of their actions. Within about six months, we were able to completely overhaul things, and it made a huge difference. This blog is all about keeping employees productive and on track, so that you can keep your company viable.


Keeping Employees Productive

  • Three Tips to the Shapes and Sizes of Office Desk Drawers

    29 May 2015

    It's hard to do office work without an office desk that's both high quality and appropriate looking in comparison to your building. Since office work tends to involve all kinds of work with small objects like staplers, paperclips, and highlighters, it's especially important to get great office drawers. While you're designing or choosing a desk for your office, utilize these three tips to choose the best shapes and sizes for your office desk drawers.

  • Don't Overlook These 3 Factors When Moving Your Corporate Office

    13 April 2015

    So, you're looking to relocate your current corporate business offices to a new location. You've got all of your employees up-to-speed on where they're going to be moving, when the move is taking place, and what they should do to prepare. Perhaps you've even already hired a corporate moving company to make the process of physically transporting much of your office furniture from point A to point B. Before you think you're good to go, however, there are some other factors you'll want to consider for the move.

  • Pawning A Diamond Ring: Make Sure You Visit A Couple Of Shops First

    13 April 2015

    Economic hard times can hit anyone at anytime. Sometimes people are caught completely unaware and have to use whatever means they can to raise money to pay the bills. One way to raise money for things you might need during the day is to take a valuable possession like a diamond ring you own and use it as collateral for a short term loan with a pawn shop. However, here is why you should visit two or more pawn shops before you use your diamond ring as collateral on a loan.

  • Ice Cubes Taste Funny? Try The Following Quick Fixes...

    31 March 2015

    Have you ever noticed that the ice cubes produced by your built-in ice maker taste funny? This is a fairly common complaint among those with a combination refrigerator/freezer. Fortunately, it also tends to be a fairly easy fix. If you've noticed that your ice cubes have an unusual taste lately, try the following tips to get things back to normal: Change your unit's filter Your refrigerator's water filter is responsible for removing impurities that will get into your ice maker if they're not taken care of beforehand.

  • Making Sure You're Prepared Before Your Emergency Locksmith Arrives

    31 March 2015

    Contacting a locksmith for emergency lockout services in the event of a lockout is without a doubt the smartest thing you can do. This is because not only can a locksmith help you to gain access to your home or vehicle quickly, but they can also help you to complete this task without causing any property damage in the process. The only problem is, if you are not prepared with a few key pieces of information when the locksmith arrives, they may be unable to provide you with the services you require.