Keeping Employees Productive
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Keeping Employees Productive

Last year, I realized that a few of our employees did not have the best intentions when they came to work. It seemed like their goal was to slack off and avoid work, and it was really frustrating. I realized that I had to do something in order to make things right, so I started working with them to train them. I also installed a camera system and explained the consequences of their actions. Within about six months, we were able to completely overhaul things, and it made a huge difference. This blog is all about keeping employees productive and on track, so that you can keep your company viable.


Keeping Employees Productive

  • Tips for Keeping Your Carpet Clean

    17 February 2017

    As the manager of a business, you likely want to make sure that the carpet inside your offices stays as clean as possible in order to make sure that you have a good first impression for important clients. However, you likely don't have the time or the money to get your carpet cleaned professionally every week. As a result, your carpets are going to pick up dirt and dust in between carpet cleanings that could cause them to not look as good.

  • Tips for Developing a Good Leadership Program and Benefits of Doing So

    15 February 2017

    If you own your own company, it is important that you keep your employees that are in leadership roles happy and motivated to do a good job for you. If they do not, this can negatively affect your company and how much money you make. If you are currently having problems with motivation and your employees are acting unhappy, you can use different leadership development programs to help you. Below is information about developing a leadership program, as well as the benefits this can offer you.

  • Help! My Furnace Leaks Water! Can I DIY?

    14 February 2017

    What's the first thing that crosses your mind when you see a water puddle leaking from under your furnace? Is it "time to get a new furnace" or is it "can I fix it myself?" It depends. You have to determine if your puddle is caused from a leak, a drip or something that isn't draining properly. Condensate puddling can occur from both older furnaces and today's high efficiency furnaces.

  • Improve Your Employment Opportunities Through Professional Resume Writing

    13 February 2017

    Finding lucrative employment can be challenging in today's competitive job market. According to a poll administered to employers, there are roughly 70 applicants for every available job opening. With competition for good jobs becoming more fierce, you need to ensure that your resume allows you to make a positive first impression. Making the choice to hire a professional resume writer, such as JWC Professional Resume Services, can increase your chances of being called in for an interview.

  • How To Save Moving Boxes For Your Next Move

    9 February 2017

    There are plenty of reasons you might want to save moving boxes from your current move for the next move that you need to make. If you know that your current living situation is not permanent, consider saving those moving boxes so that you can use them yet again the next time you need to get moving. This can save you a significant amount of money. However, you will need to keep those moving boxes in good condition, otherwise, it would be unwise to use them again to protect your belongings.